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Students of the School of Juris Master Visits Nagoya Keizai University of Japan for Exchange

TIME : 2019-11-12 SOURCE :

At the invitation of Nagoya Keizai University of Japan,theSchool of Juris MasterofChina University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)sent three students—WANG Kangle, enrolled in 2017, ZHANG Yanting and OU Xing, enrolled in 2018—to attend the 2019 Inuyama-Japanology Exchange taking place at Nagoya Keizai University from October 28 to November 4, 2019.

On the morning of October 29, Mr. Haruo Saburi, President of Nagoya Keizai University, received thethreestudents. He reviewed the history and results of the partnership between Nagoya Keizai University andtheSchool of Juris MasterofCUPL, and expected thattheboth sides could promote in-depth cooperation across multiple disciplines and fields.

On October 30, led by Mr. Nakamura, thethreestudents visited Nagoya Castle and Tokugawa Art Museum, two historical sites, in order to learn about the history and culture of Nagoya.

On the morning of October 31, Mr. Toshi Tomiokahi, Vice President of Nagoya Keizai University, introduced matters relating to Japan’s post-graduate entrance examination to thethreestudents. Mr. Toshi Tomiokahi said CUPL students would be welcome to study in Japan. On the afternoon, led by Mr. Miyajima fromtheInternational Exchange Office, thethreestudents paid a visit to Museum Meijimura in Inuyama.

On November 1, thethreestudents continued to study law in Nagoya Keizai University, experiencing the course of intellectual property law and foreign law. The teacher of foreign law was Mr. ZHANG Ruihui from China and the course he gave was the Constitution of China. The three students said learning the course of the Constitution of China abroad offered a new perspective.

On the morning of November 2, led by Mr. Nakamura, the three students andsevenstudents from Hanoi University of Vietnam as well asninestudents from Nagoya Keizai University jointly visited Inuyama Castle, one of thefivenational treasures of Japan.

In the afternoon, Prof. Yotsutsuji with Nagoya Keizai University and Mr. Ogawa, Councilman of Inuyama,introducedat Horibetei the culture and history of Inuyama to thestudents. After theintroduction, Mr. Kanamura of Nagoya Keizai University divided all the students from thethreeuniversities intofourgroups and releasedthe task for the exchange next day, which was to create a play themed with the history and culture of Inuyamaandpresent the play using PPT or video.

In the evening, Nagoya Keizai University organized a welcome party. RepresentingtheChinese students, ZHANG Yanting delivered remarks. He first expressed his gratitude to Nagoya Keizai University for organizing the exchange, and said the exchange promoted communication amongthestudents from China, Japan, and Vietnamandbenefitedhim a lot. After the welcome party, Mr. Haruo Saburi, President of Nagoya Keizai University, and Mr. ZHANG Ruihui took a photo with the three students.

On the morning of November 3, according to theaforehand grouping, the three students and their respective group members went to historical sites of Inuyama to collect materials for the presentation. The presentation, which started at 3 p.m., was followed byareview on the part of a jury organized by Nagoya Keizai University. Finally, Group C and Group BthatWANG KangleandOU Xing wasin respectivelywon the recognition of the jury and tied for first.

During this exchange, the three studentsof theSchool of Juris Master were further exposed to the Japanese culture and society while studying withthecounterpartsfrom differentcountries. Meanwhile, the exchange, which has promoted exchanges betweentheSchool of Juris Master and Nagoya Keizai University, can further deepen the partnership between the two sides and play a positive role in making our school more international.Inrecent years,theSchool of Juris Master has held a wide range of international exchange projects. Infuture, our school will work harder to promote educational excellence on a global basis and cultivate higher quality students, providing more students with broader international platforms.