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Teachers and students of the School of Juris Master are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic together

TIME : 2020-02-20 SOURCE :

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CPC Central Committee has been leading the people of the whole country in the fight against it. In accordance with the deployments ofthe Ministry of Education,the CPC BeijingMunicipalCommittee and thePeople’sGovernmentofBeijingMunicipality, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) has been organizing efforts among all teachers and students to contain the pandemic. The School of Juris Master attaches great importance to such efforts and has strictly implementedCUPL's decisions,proactivelyadjusted the teaching and research arrangements, and strengthened the party and league work for students. All this has laid a solid foundation for winning the fight against the pandemic.

1. Quick response and prompt actions

The school follows the dynamics inthepandemic containment and instructions from superordinate organizations as we implement all the arrangements ofCUPL. The party committee andadministrative department of the school work closely together. All teachers, students, and staff take effective, efficient, and concrete actions. The school held three online joint party-administrationmeetings on January 27, February 4, and February 12 to study and discuss matters related to thepandemic containment.

2. Flexibility and detail

Following the deployments of the university, the school has quickly adjusted the arrangements of teaching and research. In the spring semester, courses will be moved online and taught using methods like Xuexitong and WeChat groups. In order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching during the pandemic containment period, the school has launched a paper competition themed on legal matters in the pandemic containment period. Since late February, the school has invited multiple legal experts from within the university and the legal profession to hold a series of online forums about legal matters amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In March and April, a diversity of online events were launched, such as the Teaching Salon, the Noon Salon, the Reading Club, and the Afternoon Tea for Teachers and Students.

3. Care for all at all levels

During the pandemic containment period, the school has set up a complete record for its over 30 faculty members plus 927 full-time and part-time students to track their movements and health information. For students from Hubei, the school has set up a one-to-one mechanism for communication on a daily basis and created a WeChat group to extend support and care to them. The school has tapped into the strength of the party organization, the league organization, and the class. All notices are delivered without any mistake at the dorm level, the class level, and the grade level. All students must understand the messages conveyed and get involved inthepandemic containment. With student union leaders and party members as the backbone, the school has set up a learning group for each course, where students get access to the latest learning information and exchange ideas. The school has communicated with relevant personnel to work out solutions to learning and employment for students in different grades. Some students planned to return to the university without permission and were dissuaded from doing that. The school has organized more than 10 online party days, league days, and class meetings themed onthepandemic containment. Over 20 teachers and students worked as volunteers forthepandemic containment in their communities, villages, and towns.

The pandemic containment is currently the top priority. We are running against time and fighting to beat the virus. Whatever measures are needed should be taken to curb its spread. It is our shared responsibility to win this battle. Since early February, all faculty members of the school have been actively engaged inthepandemic containment. We will not be deterred by the virus. All teachers and students will work together to fight it and overcome the difficulties. We are confident that we will prevail and celebrate our victory with people across the country.