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CUPL Successfully Holds the Second Sub-forum of the 11th Juris Master Growth Forum Themed on “How Legal Practitioners Should Respond to Personal Information Protection from the Perspective of the Civil Code”

TIME : 2021-05-19 SOURCE :

On the evening of May 15, 2021, the second sub-forum of the 11th Juris Master Growth Forum of the School of Juris Master in China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) was held at the Lecture Hall of the Student Center of Changping Campus. Themed on "How Legal Practitioners Should Respond to Personal Information Protection from the Perspective of the Civil Code", the forum invited Tai Jiangli, General Manager of China Legal Department of Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhu Xiaolei, Director of Beijing Xingquan Law Firm as guests. Ms. Uland, Deputy Director of the Private Law Teaching and Research Department of the School of Juris Master in CUPL, presided over the forum.

Tai Jianglimadeakeynotereportonthe protection of personal information, explained in detail the provisions of theCivil Codeon the protection of personal information, analyzed cases and scenarios related to the protection of personal information, and made suggestions andexpectationsfor the actions of enterprises to protect personal information.

Director Zhu Xiaolei introduced the legal norms of personal information rights and compared the legal protection of personal information before and after thepromulgationof the Civil Code. Based on the analysis of the judicial practice of protecting personal information rights and interests, he raised questions on the protection of personal information in lawyers’ practice. For example, the expansion of the protection of personal information rights and interests may bring about a "litigation explosion" and how to interact with the "Civil Code · Tort Liability" Relevant regulations apply, etc., and provide solutions and suggestions in this regard.

In the interactive session, the guests gave wonderful answers to questions such as "types of services protecting celebrity rights" and "what is the most important skill for protecting celebrity rights? business ability or the ability to protect their privacy" and other questions that students are concerned about.

So far, the sub-forum of the 11th Juris Master Growth Forum of CUPL came to a successful conclusion.