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[News]Dedication of Love—Voluntary Blood Donation Work of the School of Juris Master Ends

TIME : 2020-12-18 SOURCE :

At 10:30 a.m. on December 1, 2020,a cold winter day,with the coordination of medical staff, volunteers with sincere heart came to donate blood in strict accordance with the relevant regulations ofvoluntaryblood donation.

Each schoolof China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)has set up aspecial service desk at the entrance of the auditorium to provide the first-stop service for blood donors. Two volunteers at the service desk of the School of Juris Master(“the school”)carefully registered the relevant information of blood donors and guided them to the designated place of blood donation.

The blood donorsfrom the school all arrived at the designated place ahead of time, and the hunger caused by fasting before blood donation did not affect their enthusiasm for donating blood. The volunteers were happy and relaxed during the preliminary blood test, and they felt satisfied and proud of their contribution to the society. Moreover, the conversation among the volunteers alsoeasedtheir tension.

After passing the blood test, the volunteers from the school donated blood in turn. Although this process took a period of time, it was meaningful. The meticulous and patient blood collection by the medical staff and the full participation of the staff of the university hospital ensured the safety of the blood donation activity. In addition, the medical staff asked the volunteers todrink morewater andsupplementnutrition after donating blood.

We randomly interviewed a volunteer from the school to understand his feelings about the blood donation activity.

“This is the first time I donated blood and I was a little nervous just now. I plucked up the courage to donate blood for helping those in need, and I am very happy to be able to help others and contribute to the society. I would also like to participate in such activities in the future”, said the volunteer.

Although it tooksometime to donate blood, the blood donators were very patient. Besides, the volunteers from the Young Volunteers Association of CUPL actively and patiently served the donators during the blood collection and timely answered their questions, which was heartwarming.

After the blood donation activity, the blood donors received blood donation certificates in recognition of their contributions. Furthermore, the school prepared a “gift” for the blood donators to help them recover more quickly and encourage themtoactivelyparticipatein the blood donation activity.

Mr. HAN Wensheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, and Counsellor LANG Yanfeng expressed theirsolicitudeforthe volunteers andalsoanswered some academic puzzles for them at the scene of the blood donation. They encouraged students not only to focus on their studies, but also to actively participate in public welfare activities, so as to develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically.

Blood donation is not only anoble act concerning selfless dedication and lifesaving, but alsotheembodiment of benevolence, which is of great significance to carry forward the volunteer spirit. The voluntary blood donation by the students of CUPL reflects the spirit of contemporary university students to bear the social responsibility.

By the noon of December 1, all the blood donors from the school in CUPL have donated blood and the blood donation work of the school ended successfully.Bystronglysupportingthis voluntary blood donation activity, the teachers and students from the school have contributed to the societywith their love andblood.

This blood donation activity not only reflects the cohesion of the students from the school, but alsomakescontributes tothecultural-ethical progress of the school.The love andspirit of selfless dedication amongthestudentsare impressive and will be passed on to more people.